Botswana Agate enhances the beneficial properties of planet Jupiter.

The Jupiter gemstone is made of microscopic quartz crystals stuck in strips. It brings emotional protection, physical courage and spiritual strength. Botswana agate is also called the “stone of change” because it helps us make changes in a positive direction. It also makes transitions easy, as opposed to being tough and sudden.

The multifaceted layers of Botswana agate stimulate communication in various forms, as well as exploring the unknown territories of your own creativity. This gemstone brings awareness in self-analysis and knowledge of hidden circumstances. It improves concentration and analytical skills. 

Emotionally, this crystal cures inner rage, giving you the love and courage to start over. Spiritually, Botswana agate raises awareness and connects with collective consciousness. It brings the understanding of the unity of life. At the mental level, Botswana Agate enhances the understanding of a wider plan of existence. In a way, this stone is seeking a solution rather than getting into the problem. Its purifying influence is powerful on physical and emotional level. 

Wearing Botswana agate in contact with skin helps with everyday life changes and challenges. It relieves depression and sadness. It helps to focus on solutions instead of problems and thus increases creativity. It increases the power of intuition and insight. It helps to overcome addiction and other destructive instincts.

The fourth Chakra “Vishuddha” means “clean”. It rules the communication center in our energy bodies. Vishuddhais located in the throat area. For most people work on the throat chakra will help with verbal communication. Finding the right words to express your thoughts, desires or needs can be extremely difficult, especially if you are shy or have trouble with what you are trying to express. A coated Botswana agate improves communication at all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). Its mild energy balances the throat chakra by helping you communicate timely to the best of your abilities.

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